June 20, 2024
Dear resident:
At the upcoming Council meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, Administration will be presenting recommendations to Council for approval on the next steps for properties that were acquired through the Draper Voluntary Buyout Program.
The following recommendation will be presented:
- Demolish the residential buildings, accessory structures and complete all related site clean-up at all nine (9) properties acquired in the Draper community through the Voluntary Buyout (VBO) program;
- Manage the demolition process and salvaging materials where reasonable for the purpose of diverting from the landfill;
- Complete demolitions by January 31, 2025, with site clean-up at all nine (9) properties and conclusion of the VBO program to be completed by June 30, 2025; and
- Planning and Development Services appropriately redesign and rezone all nine (9) properties acquired in Draper to reduce the risk associated with additional residents and structures in the flood hazard zone.
River’s Edge Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Council will also hear and discuss an amendment to bylaw No. 24/008 - for Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 232 1444, in Draper for “River’s Edge” facility. River’s Edge would be a purpose-built resort for residents and visitors of Fort McMurray. Providing a versatile venue for gatherings, events and outdoor recreation.
The full council report is available on the RMWB website at rmwb.ca/council.
If you would like to register as a delegate to speak to Council on either of these agenda items, please complete the Request to Speak Form; email legislative.assistants@rmwb.ca, or contact Legislative Services at 780-743-7001. You can also register in person with Legislative Services staff before the start of the Council meeting.
All requests to speak must be received by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the scheduled meeting. Any delegation wishing to speak via MS Teams must submit a request to join virtually to Legislative Services by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Delegations are allotted a maximum of five minutes to speak.
The Draper Household Flood Risk Reduction Grant Program is open
Application deadline: Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024
The grant program will work to enhance flood resiliency for individual property owners who choose to invest in flood accommodation for their homes and will provide financial support through three grant streams.
Grant streams:
- Relocation of utilities and services – including, but not limited to, electrical panels, hot water tanks and furnaces (maximum of $35,000).
- Retrofit building materials – including, but not limited to, flooring, baseboards, drywall, and insulation (maximum of $10,000).
- Storage – including, but not limited to, storage containers and shelving (maximum of $400).
- Property address
- A brief description of the work you are planning as part of the grant program
- Any questions you may have
Learn more at upcoming virtual drop-in sessions
Program staff will be available online to share information and answer questions about the grant program. Booking a one-on-one pre-application meeting separate from these sessions is recommended to express interest and address specific property and project questions.
The project staff will host virtual drop-ins:
- Monday, Dec. 18 from 1 - 3 p.m.
- Monday, Dec. 18 from 6 - 8 p.m.
- Tuesday, Dec. 19 from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
For details on these engagement events visit rmwb.ca/participate.
Eligibility Requirements |
You may be eligible for up to three different program grant streams. Eligibility is based on several criteria including, but not limited to, whether your dwelling has the appropriate permits, and the elevation of your dwelling:
Learn more about eligibility in the Draper Household Flood Risk Reduction Grant Program Council Policy. |
Reimbursement Requirements |
The following must be satisfied and will be verified by the Municipality at the time the recipients request reimbursement:
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the objectives of the program? |
The objectives of the program are to:
I'd like to participate in the program. Who do I contact? |
Please e-mail draperfloodsupport@rmwb.ca to indicate your interest in participating in the program. It is recommended that you contact us to schedule a pre-application meeting and discuss your proposed activities. A grant application will then need to be submitted. Applications require project descriptions, photographs of the existing conditions, and floor plans. Other documentation and information may be required. Please use the application checklist to ensure your application has all the documentation needed before submitting. Steps to apply:
When is the application deadline? |
Completed applications must be submitted by February 29, 2024. Applications received after this date will not be considered. |
How do I know if my dwelling is eligible for the grant program? |
You may be eligible for up to three different program grant streams. Eligibility is based on several criteria including, but not limited to, whether your dwelling has the appropriate permits, and the elevation of your dwelling:
Additional information on eligibility criteria can be found in the Draper Household Flood Risk Reduction Grant Program Council Policy. Please e-mail draperfloodsupport@rmwb.ca to confirm eligibility before undertaking any new work associated with the program. |
What are the three grant streams and the maximum available funds for each? |
Can I apply for all three grant streams? |
Yes, eligible applicants may qualify for grant funding under all three streams, up to the maximum limits per stream. However, grant funding under each stream may only be accessed once per property and will only be provided to the property owner in one payment. |
I'm not interested in all three grant streams; can I apply for un-used funds from one stream to support activities in another stream? |
The maximum funding provided under each stream cannot be exceeded and un-used funds from other streams cannot be applied to projects being completed under another stream. |
Am I eligible if I've already had some work completed? |
Work completed between April 26, 2020 and September 26, 2023 may be eligible. However, additional documentation and a different process may be required compared to similar projects that have not yet been completed. |
Can I apply for a new project and a retroactive project? |
Yes, property owners can apply for both new and retroactive projects. However, the grant stream maximums cannot be exceeded, and additional documentation may be required. Property owners will only be reimbursed once, after the projects have been completed and all reimbursement requirements have been met. |
I received funding from my Insurance and/or the Disaster Recovery Program after the 2020 flood. Am I still eligible? |
Yes, if the proposed improvements have not already been paid for by another agency. |
I'd like to make my accessory buildings (e.g. garage, shop, shed) flood resilient too. Are these eligible for the grant streams? |
No, only dwellings are eligible. Garages, shops, and other buildings on the property are not eligible. |
I'd like to conduct flood mitigation activities including permanent or temporary berms and grading. Are these activities eligible for the grant program? |
No, flood mitigation activities including, but not limited to, permanent or temporary berms and grading are not eligible under the three grant streams. |
Do I need quotes? |
Depending on the work that is being planned, you may require quotes as part of the application process. It's recommended that you schedule a pre-application meeting to discuss the application process by emailing draperfloodsupport@rmwb.ca. |
What needs to be included in the quotes? |
Quotes must include, at minimum, a description of the work that is being proposed and include itemized pricing for each portion of the project, including materials and labour. Please note that warranties, insurance, and non-specific costs such as contingency are ineligible and will not be considered in the grant calculation. |
If approved, what is the deadline to have construction completed? |
It is expected that projects are completed in a timely manner. Specifically, 12 months from the date of the signed Grant Agreement. |
Do I need permits to complete the work? |
All necessary municipal permits and authorizations must be acquired and closed without deficiencies prior to the release of payment. Your contractor will likely know if a permit is required. Alternatively, you can email draperfloodsupport@rmwb.ca with any questions. |
What happens if after the project has been approved, the project scope or design changes during the permitting or construction process? |
Once an Agreement has been signed, all scope or design changes must be reviewed by the Municipality and may require the applicant to enter into an amended Agreement. It should be noted the maximum values of the streams cannot be exceeded. |
Are there any requirements for my contractors? |
Contractors must:
Will the RMWB pay my contractor directly? |
No, grant funding will only be disbursed to the property owner. Property owners are responsible for paying their contractors. |
Will the Municipality provide funding in advance of the work being completed? |
No, property owners will be reimbursed for any approved grant streams after the project has been completed and all reimbursement requirements have been met. |
How do I get a Certificate of Title for my application form? |
Property owners can get a copy of their Certificate of Title online at Alberta Land Titles and Surveys Spatial Information System or by visiting a local Registry Office. |