Located on the Alberta/ Northwest Territories border on the Slave River, Fort Fitzgerald is the most northern hamlet in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. The nearest urban centre is Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, which is 25 kilometres to the north. Fort Fitzgerald can be accessed from the south along the Fort Chipewyan Winter Road, from the northwest on Highway 5 and by the Slave River waterway.

Fort Fitzgerald was originally named Smith's Landing until 1915 when it was renamed to honour the late Inspector Francis Joseph Fitzgerald of the North West Mounted Police. Situated at the beginning of four sets of impassible rapids, Fort Fitzgerald was once a major portage point for barges transporting goods to Fort Smith and the north. The Fort Fitzgerald region is also home to Smith's Landing First Nation.
According to the 2021 municipal census, there are six people currently residing in Fort Fitzgerald. Residents of this remote community must travel to Fort Smith to shop or attend school, as there are no supporting services except electricity. Even phone services were non-existent until 2003. Residents seeking employment opportunities outside of hunting and trapping must travel to Fort Smith.