OHV riders must review regulations to ensure compliance prior to driving on municipal roads in Abasand
Council approved the Off-Highway Vehicle Pilot Project Bylaw at last night’s meeting, giving the green light for OHVs to travel on municipal roadways in Abasand starting July 1, 2024. OHVs are not allowed on Abasand roads prior to July 1.
The pilot project encourages safe and responsible OHV use, while including better enforcement and compliance measures.
Know the limits
OHV riders will be allowed on municipal roads in Abasand when traveling to and from their home to the designated staging area and gas station. Riders cannot drive their OHV to a neighbour’s home, park, school or other areas in Abasand.
OHV use is strictly prohibited on municipal roads outside of the Abasand neighbourhood and on sidewalks, parks, greenspaces and urban trails, such as the perimeter trail around Abasand. OHVs aren’t allowed to be driven from backyards to the trails.
OHVs cannot be used on private roads and in parking lots, unless the owner has directly permitted it. Condominiums are located on private roads and parking lots, except for Abasand Dr. A map of municipal roads and private roads in the Abasand neighbourhood will be available online and on signage shortly.
Ride safe, ride right and enjoy!
For everyone’s safety, all regulations and laws in the OHV Pilot Project Bylaw and the Traffic Safety Act must be followed. OHV users should review the full bylaw and learn all the rules before July 1.
- Max 30 km. OHVs cannot exceed 30 kms/hr and must follow all lower posted speed limits while traveling on the road. Drive cautiously, obey all stop signs and regular traffic laws.
- Helmet on. All riders and passengers must wear helmets that meet Alberta’s safety standards for motorcycles, unless the OHV has a roll over protection system.
- Buckle up. Seatbelts must be worn by the driver and passengers if the OHV is equipped with them.
- Ride right. A Class 5 license or greater is required to ride on municipal roads. OHVs need to be registered with insurance and a visible license plate. Travel with documents.
- Be seen. Turn on headlights and taillights. If the OHV has turn signals use them; if not, use hand signals.
- Drive cautiously. Follow speed limits, stop signs and all regular traffic laws while driving an OHV on the road.
- Be mindful of noise. All OHVs must have a working muffler and not cause unnecessary noise.
- One at a time. OHVs must travel in single file and not pass in single lanes.
- Seats for all passengers. Passengers must be at least six years old and weigh more than 18 kgs. OHV manufacturer specifications must be followed, which may include more restrictive age limits.
- Keep roads clean. Don’t track excessive mud and debris onto roads.
- No street parking. OHVs must be parked and stored on private property.
- Wheels only. Snowmobiles are not allowed on roads and aren’t included in the pilot project.
Be wildfire wise
Always check if an OHV Restriction or Fire Ban is in place before riding. If a Fire Ban is in effect for the Urban Service Area of Fort McMurray, OHV use on municipal roads in Abasand is prohibited.
OHVs must have a functioning spark arrestor and drivers must travel with a shovel, pail or fire extinguisher. Make frequent stops to remove debris from hotspots, such as tires, wheel wells, the exhaust system, muffler, engine or manifold and under the seat.
There are very serious fines and penalties for not following the Off-Highway Vehicle Pilot Project Bylaw including impoundment of OHVs and the full repair cost for damaged municipal property.
Bylaw and RCMP officers will be doing regular patrols and checks. Please remember to travel with all documents.
To report illegal or unsafe OHV use, please call Pulse at 780-743-7000.
Share feedback
Residents are encouraged to share feedback throughout the pilot project, whether they’re an OHV user or not. Feedback can be shared on the online engagement tool Participate Wood Buffalo or through Pulse.
Feedback and regular reporting will be collected throughout the pilot project to assess the feasibility of making this a permanent bylaw and expanding OHV use on municipal roads in other neighbourhoods.
Learn more about the Abasand OHV Pilot Project and OHV bylaws for the entire region at rmwb.ca/ohv
For questions and to file a report, contact Pulse at 780-743-7000 or rmwb.ca/pulse