FireSmart treatments will be conducted in previously treated areas along McDermot Avenue this winter.
The work will begin in January 2024 and will remove blown-down trees and debris from the forest floor and will thin areas of spruce trees that have regrown since the last treatment.
Smoke may be visible periodically during this work. Firewood may be available to the public as the project progresses. Please follow all signage, keep a safe distance from workers and equipment and do not enter closed areas.
Lead Department
Regional Emergency Services - FireSmart
Start Date
End Date
McDermot Avenue
Blue sections are completed areas. The caution sign in the blue section is the firewood pick-up location. Sections still slated for FireSmart management are shaded in yellow.
Community Benefit
FireSmart uses preventative measures to reduce the wildfire threat to homes and communities while balancing the benefits of wildfire on the landscape.
Find more information about this project and all FireSmart projects at or contact Pulse at 780-743-7000 or
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