Update: June 20, 2022
The work at the Janvier Water Treatment Plant is finished. The Municipality successfully flushed the distribution system and collected bacteriological samples from both the hamlet and Chipewyan Prairie First Nation. All samples collected were aligned with Alberta Health Services and Indigenous Services Canada regulatory requirements, confirming the water remains safe to drink.
If tap water is discoloured, please run all indoor taps for five minutes. Water may be discoloured at first but should clear up after flushing.
If tap water remains discoloured, continue flushing for up to fifteen minutes or until the water clears up. If water is still discoloured after flushing for fifteen minutes, please call Pulse to report the issue.
June 16, 2022
The Janvier Water Treatment Plant lost power last night, resulting in a temporary loss of pressure in the system. Upon learning of this, crews were dispatched and pressure was restored this morning. The system is in the process of being flushed and is anticipated to be completed within 24 hours.
The Municipality is working with Alberta Health Services and Indigenous Services Canada to flush the system to ensure all regulatory requirements are met, including additional water sampling and testing. Alberta Health Services and Indigenous Services Canada are aware of the situation and have confirmed that they will not be issuing a Boil Water Advisory at this time, confirming that the water is safe to drink.
Once the flushing of the system is complete, community members should run all indoor taps for five minutes. Water may be discoloured at first but should clear up after flushing.
If tap water remains discoloured, continue flushing for up to fifteen minutes or until the water clears up. If water is still discoloured after flushing for fifteen minutes, please call Pulse to report the issue
Should you have any questions, please contact Pulse at 780-743-7000, toll free at 1-800-973-9663 or at rmwb.ca/pulse.