Explore meaningful ways to enhance and guide your personal reconciliation journey
Explore Indigenous culture and language and learn the area’s true history, including the legacy of residential schools as part of the 2022 Truth and Reconciliation Challenge.
This year, the challenge will be seven weeks long, beginning August 15 and leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. For the first time, it will include in-person events and workshops in addition to online activities and teachings.
Weekly themes to guide your reconciliation journey
Every week, participants will engage, explore, and learn based on weekly themes. Each is intended to guide and enrich participants on their personal journeys of reconciliation. The first theme, “Truth”, examines the true history of the region as a lack of accurate historical knowledge is a barrier to genuine reconciliation.
Other weekly themes include Indigenous languages, sport and art, as well as economic reconciliation. The challenge will also explore difficult topics and raise awareness of the legacy of residential schools, and Missing, Murdered and Exploited Indigenous People.
Begin the challenge today
Participants can start by signing a Personal Commitment of Reconciliation. Residents who complete the challenge will also receive a certificate to mark the accomplishment and be invited to take part in a special event on September 30 commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
“This is a time to learn and to listen and to consider how we can each contribute to reconciliation,” said Indigenous and Rural Relations Director Dennis Fraser. “The challenge provides meaningful ways to enhance and guide those personal journeys.”
For more information or to join the challenge, visit rmwb.ca/TRC or follow the RMWB Facebook and Twitter accounts.