The Municipality is proposing an amendment to Land Use Bylaw 99/059 to update the definition of Funeral Home/Crematorium and to add the use Funeral Home/Crematorium to the BI - Business Industrial District as a Discretionary Use – Development Officer (DO).
The current definition of Funeral Home/Crematorium restricts crematorium and burial services to human remains. The proposed change to the definition will extend crematorium and burial services to all dead, including animals.
Current definition:
FUNERAL HOME/CREMATORIUM means development used for the preparation of the dead for burial, the holding of funeral services, and the purification and reduction of the human body by heat.
Proposed definition:
FUNERAL HOME/CREMATORIUM means development used for the preparation of the dead for burial, the holding of funeral services, and the purification and reduction of the dead.
A copy of the proposed Land Use Bylaw Amendment is available in person at the Planning and Development Office in Timberlea Landing (309 Powder Drive).
If you have comments or concerns regarding this application, please send them in writing to the contact information below by 4:30 p.m. on July 14, 2023. Please reference the file number: 2023-LU-00001
All comments received before the deadline will be reviewed and taken into consideration.
As Council approval is required for this change, you will also have an opportunity to share your thoughts during a public hearing. This item is expected to be presented at a Council meeting in the near future. Find all information about upcoming Council meetings and how to participate at
Mail: Deepinder Dhaliwal, Planner II, Planning and Development
Department Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo,
309 Powder Drive, Fort McMurray, AB, T9K 0M3