Everyone is invited to join the Victims and Survivors of Crime Walk on May 12 at Syne Park. The event starts at 11a.m. at the memorial bench at Snye Park, with an Indigenous prayer, remarks from local officials and personal stories shared by victims and survivors of crime. Those in attendance will then walk along the Snye as a show of support for those impacted by acts of violence.
Wood Buffalo Victim Services is hosting this annual walk to raise awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime in the region. This year’s theme is “Power of Collaboration” and is also an opportunity to highlight the community groups and organizations who offer support to those in crisis including Some Other Solutions, Waypoints, St. Aidan’s Society and the RCMP.
“Victims of violent crime can feel extremely isolated and this walk is a reminder that we are here to stand with them and their families,” says Nicole Chouinard, manager RCMP Support Services. “We need to create a community of support and continue to advocate on their behalf.”
Alarming trends
Since 2019, there have been over 6800 instances of personal crime in the region. This presents in many forms including assault with a weapon, sexual assault, uttering threats and harassment.
Here to Help: Wood Buffalo Victim Services
Wood Buffalo Victim Services provides victims of crime and trauma with support, information and referrals based on a victim's needs. The support is intended to ease the crisis and help victims return to stability. Victim Services supports people throughout the Wood Buffalo region. To learn more, including how to be a volunteer advocate, visit rmwb.ca/victimservices.
If you or someone you know needs help because of a crime-related incident, contact the local RCMP detachment or call 911.
For questions or more information, contact Pulse at 780-743-7000, 1-800-973-9663, or rmwb.ca/pulse.
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