Shootout on the Snye returns to WinterPLAY Feb. 21 to 23
Join the age-old tradition of outdoor pond hockey: WinterPLAY’s Shootout on the Snye is back, February 21 to 23!
For years, residents have embraced Canada’s beloved winter sport on outdoor rinks throughout the region. Grab your skates and sign up to take part in Wood Buffalo’s largest pond hockey tournament at the Snye.
Save $10, register by Jan. 22
All Shootout on the Snye participants are required to register in advance by the following dates:
- Early bird registration: $30/player by Jan. 22
- Final registration: $40/player by Feb. 3
Youth players (under 18 years of age) must register individually. Balanced teams will be created based on player division and skill level.
For players 18+, team and individual registrations are available in the Open Division.
All registered players will receive a Shootout on the Snye jersey.
Puck drops Friday, Feb. 21
Shootout on the Snye officially kicks off on Friday, Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. with a ceremonial puck drop and runs until 5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23.
All teams are guaranteed three games during the tournament. Playoffs will take place on Sunday, Feb. 23. Games will be played four vs. four, with a maximum of six players per team.
Shootout on the Snye is a non-contact hockey tournament. Please play responsibly and safely.
Referees needed
Help make Shootout on the Snye a success: sign up as a referee!
Referees will be compensated $25 per 35-minute game.
Additional fundraising opportunities for groups and organizations are available throughout WinterPLAY. More information on these fundraising opportunities will be shared on Jan. 20.
Celebrate WinterPLAY Feb. 21 to 25
Mark your calendars – WinterPLAY returns to the Snye from February 21 to 25 with lots of free winter activities for you to enjoy.
Get ready for horse drawn carriage rides, ice sculptures, sticky maple syrup from the Sugar Shack, zooming down ice slides, watching a stellar fireworks show and more!
Stay tuned for more information at rmwb.ca/WinterPLAY.