Keep a safe distance from equipment and give crews room to work
Subzones 1 and 2 will be active for snow removal operations Jan. 27-31, with on-street parking restrictions in effect. Snow removal operations take longer to complete as it involves loading snow into haul trucks and taking it to a snow disposal site.
Subzones 3 and 4 are relaxed. When subzones are relaxed, on-street parking restrictions are not in effect and vehicles may park on the street. Subzones are typically activated on a bi-weekly schedule. Subzones 3 and 4 are expected to be active the week of Feb. 3-7.
WMZ on-street parking restrictions in effect from 7 a.m.-6 p.m.
When your subzone is activated, on-street parking restrictions are in effect from 7 a.m.-6 p.m., on your designated day for maintenance. Please do not park your vehicle on the street before 6 p.m., even if you believe maintenance has been completed. Crews often focus on plowing or removing snow first, then may come back later in the day to complete driveway windrow removal and other maintenance on your street.
Back-alley snow removal is underway
Crews are actively clearing snow from alleys, with first priority given to those that are used for garbage and recycling collection. Please ensure bins, vehicles, basketball nets and other personal belongings are stored on private property and do not block access to the back alley.
Watch out for no parking signs
Crews are continuing to clear and remove snow on primary, secondary and tertiary streets. Temporary no parking signs will be placed 24 hours in advance where snow removal is scheduled on streets not included in the WMZ program.
After 24 hours, on-street parking restrictions will be in effect and parked vehicles must be removed from the street until the signs are taken away.
Winter Maintenance Zone reminders
- Every residential street in Fort McMurray has been assigned a subzone and one designated weekday for maintenance. You can find this information on posted street signage or by using the Find Your Zone tool.
- For the weeks when your subzone is active, on-street parking restrictions are in effect from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. only on your one designated day for maintenance.
- For everyone’s safety, please do not approach equipment on the roadway and give space to crews where maintenance is happening.
Read the winter maintenance brochure for a simple and more comprehensive overview of how winter maintenance is done in Fort McMurray.
Keep up to date on the status of WMZs
- Sign up for WMZ Alerts
- Watch for updates on the orange electronic signage at the entrance of each neighbourhood
- Follow the RMWB on Facebook and Twitter @RMWoodBuffalo
- Check rmwb.ca/WMZ
- Contact Pulse at 780-743-7000 or rmwb.ca/pulse
Learn more about the WMZ program, on-street parking restrictions, maps, FAQs and more at rmwb.ca/wmz
If you have any questions or concerns or would like more information, contact Pulse by calling 780-743-7000, or online at rmwb.ca/Pulse.