Wood Buffalo is home to many species of wildlife, including animals able to adapt to urban life such as coyotes, foxes, ravens and beavers.
Residents are responsible for reducing or eliminating wildlife attractants on their property, as this is the first step in preventing wildlife encounters. The province provides resources and tips on living with urban wildlife such as coyotes.
For more information about Wood Buffalo’s bear population and BearSmart practices, please visit rmwb.ca/bearsmart.
What should I do if I have an ongoing issue with urban wildlife on my property?
If urban wildlife is attracted to your property there are actions you can take to remove food and habitat attractants.
Decks, porches and other raised structures with space underneath can be tempting hiding places and dens for wildlife. To prevent wildlife from making themselves at home, cover gaps and entrances with durable wire mesh, and make sure sheds and other structures are closed off.
Urban wildlife can be tempted into human habitat when they detect easy food sources left out by humans. You can minimize the risk of urban wildlife encounters by managing food sources:
Put out garbage the morning of collection day.
Store garbage bins indoors, or clean them regularly.
Make sure garbage bins are not overfilled so lids can shut
Store all pet food in your home – do not leave it outside or in a shed
Clean your barbecue after every use.
Collect fruit from trees and gardens quickly, or pick fruit before it ripens.
- Keep meat, fish and oils out of your compost heap.
What should I do if I encounter aggressive or injured urban wildlife on my property?
If you encounter a wild animal (such as a fox or coyote) that is being aggressive, or is injured, call the 24/7 Report-A-Poacher hotline at 1-800-642-3800.