The RMWB has been working collaboratively with the Conklin Resource Development Advisory Council (CRDAC) on the Pine Lane Subdivision since 2020. Addressing the housing challenges in Conklin continues to be a priority for the RMWB.
The approval process and timeline of this subdivision development would be considered in line with other developments of this scale and complexity. The overall process includes other levels of government and agencies, such as Alberta Transportation, Alberta Environment, Alberta Land Titles.
Subdivision development process
This situation is unique, in that this development required an amendment of the existing Area Structure Plan for Conklin. The Municipality was supportive of this change, and recommended approval to Council for the Area Structure Plan amendment in June 2022.
The original lands were vacant raw land. These lands required infrastructure needed to support residential development, such as utilities, roads, water, sewer, grading, storm-water management to name a few. To facilitate this, the lands had to go through the subdivision development process, which included:
- Area Structure Plan Amendment
- Subdivision
- Signing of Development Agreement
- Naming of Roads
- Subdivision Registration
- Assigning Civic Addresses
- Obtaining Construction Completion Certificate
- Development and Building Permitting
Six of these eight processes are complete.
CRDAC is now at the stage of Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) Approval. This Certificate approval is provided by RMWB Engineering. This is proof that the private development has been developed in accordance with the approved infrastructure plans. While there were delays inspecting the site for the construction completion certificate, the inspection occurred on November 29, 2023, and deficiencies on the part of the developer were noted, including grading of the site. These deficiencies must be remedied in order to apply for development permits with RMWB Planning and Development.
Land parcels and mobile homes
The Municipality previously transferred five mobile homes with the intention to support CRDAC’s Housing Initiative. Separate from the Pine Lane Subdivision, and in alignment with CRDAC’s Housing Initiative, on September 8, 2020, council approved the sale of four residential parcels in Conklin to the CRDAC for a nominal fee.
The RMWB remains committed to working with CRDAC throughout this process, so that they are prepared to submit their development permit application. RMWB Planning and development has now assigned a single point of contact to expedite the development approval process.