National Indigenous History Month

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June is an important month with a national designation to rightfully recognize, respect and learn Indigenous history as a shared history.

National Indigenous History Month (NIHM) is an opportunity to commemorate and celebrate the rich history of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people across Canada. Throughout the month of June, we acknowledge the strength, diversity, and resiliency of local Indigenous communities as we continue to work together to build and strengthen relationships in Wood Buffalo.

We are grateful to all those who share their wisdom, knowledge and stories for National Indigenous History Month. 

Na Naskomonân – we are grateful.

Did you know the region includes six First Nations and six Métis communities?

Watch the RMWB social channels to learn more about Indigenous cultures!

News release: Celebrate National Indigenous History Month in the region

Land Acknowledgement Map of Wood Buffalo

Learn More




Teachings with Elder Cecile Calliou

Elder Calliou shares her wisdom about the teachings around the eagle. The video takes a closer look into the importance of oral storytelling in preserving Indigenous culture and history.


Métis Garden with Sheryl Huppie

Apples, gooseberries, medicines, and more! McMurray Métis keeps the tradition of living off the land alive by planting and caring for a garden. On this Mother Earth Monday, Indigenous Coordinator Sheryl Huppie explains how the annual practice gets both youth and Elders involved.


Ribbon Skirt Teaching with Elder Marie "Buffy" Cheecham

Learn more about Ribbon Skirts through this teaching by Elder Marie "Buffy" Cheecham.



Tobacco Teaching with Cecile Calliou

Elder Cecile Calliou joins us from her teepee, located in Fort McKay to teach us the importance of sacred tobacco and the protocols involved when offering tobacco.